Squirrel, the Second
Once upon a time
Suicidal Squirrel
♫(please insert theme music)♫
was walking through
the meadow
a new way to attempt
to end the travesty
which he called his life.
from out of nowhere,
he was abducted
Needless to say,
this turn of events
rather shocked
our squirrelly little friend.
And rather put a damper
on his latest plans
for self-immolation.
For while he was suicidal,
he really didn't relish
the idea of being
probed and dissected
by aliens.
He was kind of a chicken
that way.
Or maybe a rodent, as
the case may be.
When he reached the
interior of the alien craft,
he was met
not by a slimy green
slug-like creature
of supreme intelligence
and absolute evil
and a plan of utter
world domination
but by...
An aardvark.
An aardvark.
It said "mmmhpph."
Or at least that's what
it sounded like.
Aardvarks are not
known for being
the most articulate
of creatures.
pontificating on the
feats of astrophysics
that were developed by the
Supreme Beings
in order to power
the spacecraft within
which they were currently
He (or possibly she)
was the tour guide.)
Looking about him
our SLF (Squirrelly Little Friend)
had a blast of illumination.
Aardvarks eat ants!
there must be ants!
in the hope
that the aardvark,
in an orgiastic
ant-eating revelry,
might mistake him for dinner,
Suicidal Squirrel
♫(theme music)♫
coated himself in ...
And then he was coated in ants.
Ants bite.
But aardvarks do eat ants.
Even extra-terrestrial tour guide
aardvarks inside UFOs.
Aardvarks don't eat squirrels.
Not even squirrels coated
in honey and ants.
The aardvark sucked off
all the ants
(get your mind out of the gutter!)
and fell asleep all full
and sated.
Our SLF was just
all itchy and puffy.
Very, very sticky.
And still very much alive.
Which was when
the oozing slime
dripped onto his head.
Slime dripping aliens
are scary.
Especially when they
chase you around to
keep dripping slime on you.
And they can fly and you can’t.
And they smell like your mom in the summer.
But the slime made the
itching and puffiness
go away.
Kind of like the green
aloe stuff.
Pretty much exactly like the
green aloe stuff.
And the aliens were
Friendly, helpful, aloe-oozing
Oh great.
They patted him on
his slimy little head
and sent our SLF
on his squirrelly
little way.
for now at least
because if I were
a squirrel,
and slimy aliens
abducted me,
I would probably
shock syndrome.
Or at least really
bad nightmares.
And maybe a talk show.
Oh yeah - this is going to get good.
At 6:17 PM, Wrkinprogress said…
::eagerly awaiting the next installment::
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